Sunday, April 11, 2010

Green curls, but good! wants to green our world-- no matter what kind of hair we have!

Are you Aware? Open Your Eyes…look at the facts, decide to make the change.
Did You Know?
  • Over 30 tons of waste are produced for every one ton of product that reaches the consumer
  • 98% of those products that do reach the end consumer are thrown away within 6 months.
  • It takes around 450 years for a plastic bottle to degrade.
  • You absorb up to 60% of any substance applied to your skin, you could absorb up to 4.4 pounds of manmade chemicals through your body every year- that's not healthy.
  • For those curly girls still relaxing their hair...Sodium Hydroxide is the strongest type of principal chemical used in some chemical relaxers because it provides the most long lasting and dramatic effects. However, this same sodium hydroxide is found in drain cleaners, which well demonstrates the strength of this chemical.
  • Recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions by significantly saving the amount of energy needed to manufacture the products that we buy, build and use
  • Recycled materials account for 40% of the world’s raw materials and is critical to our future sustainability
  • While plastics decompose, they can release potentially harmful substances into the surrounding ground water and soil, affecting future generations
  • Letting your faucet run for five minutes uses about as much energy as letting a 60-watt light bulb run for 14 hours
  • Every year, an estimated 706 million gallons of oil enter our planet's oceans: By far the greatest source of spilled oil is households. Used Motor Oil accounts for 363 million gallons in our oceans! 50% of Americans change their own motor oil, but only 1/3 of that oil is collected and recycled. 2/3 are dumped down drains or spilled on driveways and onto streets. One typical 5 quart oil change improperly dumped can contaminate millions of gallons of freshwater.
Check out their website for more information and learn what they are doing and what YOU can do!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hi Kate!
I put a link to your blog on mine. It's funny because I was just having a conversation with my girl friends about how now that we are approaching our 30s, we no longer buy buy buy every product suggested to us by our hairstylists, dermatologists, etc. I just shake my head when I think of all the products I bought and then discarded half used. Thanks for the suggestions on eco-friendly stuff that actually works!