Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Zapping Zits.

Okay, I am a picker. It's cause I can't stand the nasty things on my face & I get such immense satisfaction from popping them. Yes, I know it's very bad. If it makes you feel any better, I only do it when my hands and face are clean, in the privacy of my own bathroom, sometimes with an extractor and a bottle of rubbing alcohol.
In an ideal world, I would never have to take these actions, but if we are going to start with ideals, this blog will explode. So I rely on various products to keep my face from looking like an obstacle course. Here are a few of my current favorites:
Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10-- a staple. Dries the heck out of the spots! Murad Acne Spot Treatment-- smells like dirt, but clears up the zits without over-drying. No flaking skin!
Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser For Normal to Oily Skin-- washes off the ick without giving me mask face. Very nice in the winter, with the effectiveness that is not over-zealous.

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